Manas Ordo sacred site Zulpukor sacred site Nyldy-Ata sacred site Booterek sacred site Boztektir sacred site Улуу Манас баяны урпактардын оозунда (Manas epic recitation) En Belghi system for learning how to play komuz
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Lake Ai-Kol lies in the embrace of high mountains, 1,700 meters above the sea level, in the Golbo village of Leilek region in Batken province. From the dim and distant past, local people call it sacred Ai-Kol. To reach the lake, pilgrims pass through Golbo village and the left side of the Too-Jailoo pasture. Before Ai‑Kol there are such lakes as Gadandyk-Kol, Sut-Kol and Jashyl-Kol. Ai-Kol is the farthest of them; one can reach it only on horse and should take food sufficient for a week. The beauty of the…
Moving forward with Tradition
The “Traditional Knowledge in Kyrgyzstan” website is the first internet resource which contains information on traditional knowledge, including traditional spiritual practices, traditional knowledge of sustainable natural resource exploitation, traditional administration and law, folk systems of discipline and many more subjects. The website is oriented not only for data storage, but also to offer a forum for actively sustaining the use of traditional knowledge: exchange, transmission, discussion and study. About the “Traditional knowledge in Kyrgyzstan” website. Aigine Cultural Research Center presents data which has been collected by the researches of the center since 2005. Here you…