Sacred sites in Osh and Folk Knowledge, 2011

Sacred sites in Osh and Folk Knowledge (Oshtogu iyik jerler jana el bilimi (original))

Aigine CRC has been publishing books on sacred sites since 2007. The beginning of 2011 was marked by our 4th publication on sacred sites of Osh province.  The book is published in the Kyrgyz language. The publication was financed by The Christensen Fund, USA

The book is based on the findings of a one-year research study carried out in the Osh province. The first part of the book contains description, oral history and a list of sacred sites. The book also includes articles closely related to the phenomenon of sacred sites and kyrgyzchylyk such as sacred sites secrets, connection between people and the land, etc.

Authors of the articles are poets, writers, scholars, Manas narrators, and sacred site guardians, as well ordinary pilgrims who share their stories and for whom pilgrimage is a significant spiritual act.

The second part of the book contains academic papers by local scholars.

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