This book is a tool for teaching how to play komuz which is considered as one of the most prominent parts of Kyrgyz folk music. In this book one can find the method of notating and teaching how to play komuz called “En Belghi” developed by a great komuz player Nurak Abdrakhmanov. Using this method one can learn 27 traditional melodies from the book. With the aim of helping learners to use this method, melodies played by Nurak Abdrakhanov and his apprentices are available on DVD. This is a result of “Preservation of folk music project” conducted by Aigine CRC with the financial aid of the Christensen Fund.
Part 1: Setting off to the realm of komuz
- Difficulties in learning how to play komuz
- Getting started
Part 2: En Belghi is a new and precise way of learning how to play komuz
- Explaination of arbitrary signs
- Interconnection of En Belghi signs and traditional notes
Part 3: learning melodies
- First melodies:
- Kulunum (Кулунум)
- Karagat (Карагат)
- Balalyk (Балалык)
- Mektebim (Мектебим)
- Myshygym (Мышыгым)
- Lessons:
- A march (Марш күү)
- Altyn Balalyk (Алтын балалык)
- Buudan Kok (Буудан көк)
- Mash Botoi (Маш Ботой)
- Bekarstan Tashy (Бекарстан Ташы)
- Atilla Khan (Атилла хан)
- Ata Murasy (Ата мурасы)
- Uluu Toolor (Улуу тоолор)
- Abai Jolu (Абай жолу)
- Musookenin Munduu Kuu (Музоокенин муңдуу күү)
- Arsar Kuuu (Арсар күү)
- Koiron Kuu (Көйрөң-Күү)
- Kara Tulpar – Steamboat (Кара тулпар)
- Kyz Kerbez (Кыз кербез)
- Jash Kerbez (Жаш кербез)
- Emgek Bakyt (Эмгек бакыт)
- Ergime (Эргиме)
- Min Kyial (Миң кыял)
- Toguz Kairyk (Тогуз кайрык)
- Azattyk Kambarkan (Азаттык камбаркан)
- Mezgil Janyrygy (Мезгил жаңырыгы)
- Son Kol (Соң-Көл)
- Urkun (Үркүн)
- Omur Kochu (Өмүр көчү)
- Ene Jurogu – Naiman Ene (Эне жүрөгү – Найман эне)
- Manas Ata Baldary (Манас ата балдары)
- History of the melodies
Part 4: about the author
- Nurak Abdrakhmanov’s life and career
- Pictures
© Aigine CRC