On May 24, in the program of UTRK Zhashtar Demi was organized the screening and discussion of two short films of CRC Aigine called “Kechiresinbi?” (Will you forgive?) and “Yrym” (The Rite). These films were made to draw attention to the growing problem of family violence in our country. Munduz Asanalieva (ethno-psychologist), Aigerim Kubatbekova (journalist) and Asylbek Jodonbekov (teacher) took part in the program as speakers. During the film screening and discussion, participants and invited guests discussed the causes of domestic violence and ways to overcome it in society. The movie “Kechiresinbi?” was directed by Temirlan Zhumabekov and “Yrym” was directed by Guzel Duyshenkulova. Students of the National University of Culture and Art B. Beishenaliyeva also took part in the program named.