Training in research methods

On February 8, Aibek Samakov, Chief Expert of the partnership project of Aigine CRC and Suuchular Initiative Group, gave a presentation on field research methods to representatives of local working groups in Naryn and Batken oblasts.

The purpose of the workshop was to identify elements of intangible cultural heritage widely spread in Batken and Naryn oblasts and, based on this sample, to determine research methods. Using in-depth interview and survey methods, to monitor climate change in the mentioned oblasts based on local indicators and to determine how these changes affect the highlighted intangible cultural heritage elements.

During the presentation, the element of folk traditional veterinary medicine was selected on the recommendation of the Naryn working group. Batken working group – knowledge/methods of cultivation and production of Batken apricot; traditional carpet weaving and traditional house-building knowledge were proposed, but the exact direction of research was not decided. The working group will select the direction in consultation with local communities.

The research group will start its work next week. The presentation was organized by the project coordinator Cholponai Usubalieva-Grishchuk.