A multimedia website was developed, which introduced an online map of the Ak-Bulun complex.
For the development of the website and the online map, the company of developers of digital products, Tentek, was invited to cooperate.
The partners offered to create a new site, on which the map will be implemented. This approach would provide easier access to and viewing ability of the map. Together with the developers, a new website www.petroglyphs.kg was developed in three languages – Kyrgyz, English and Russian. The site is dedicated to the petroglyph sites that are located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. Each section introduces the reader to one of the places where petroglyphs are located.
The section devoted to historical and cultural complex Ak-Bulun https://petroglyphs.kg/portfolio-item/akbulun/https://www.google.kg/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1y7Zu7NNpTaorkzU0_eskp7YDyA77MAc&ll=42.61602894545142%2C78.85354657305301&z=15 consists of a brief information about the petroglyphs, photo materials and online map of the complex.
A map of the Ak-Bulun petroglyphic complex was created. Experts developed a document with a description of each image on the stones, stone sculpture and mounds. This information is reflected on the map along with pictures https://www.google.kg/maps/d/u/0/viewermid=1y7Zu7NNpTaorkzU0_eskp7YDyA77MAc&ll=42.61602894545142%2C78.85354657305301&z=15