Formation of a regional group united by a common vision and purpose to develop the positive potential of traditional knowledge
Building parnership
- Working meetings
- Working trip to Almaty
- Zhezkazgan working visit
- Field trip to Altyn Emel
- Information on Working Trips
- Opportunities and Challenges of Joint Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage in Central Asia
- Working trips: petroglyphs of Sarmyshsay

Engaging influential indigenous actors in the battle against gender violence
Radio broadcast to discuss domestic violence against women
Results of the scenario contest against domestic and gender-based violence
“The weak offend, the strong defend”
“Kechiresinbi?” (Will you forgive?) and “Yrym” (The Rite)
Youth Against Violence. The TV program Youth Initiative.
- Increasing violence against women
- A psychological profile of violence
- A family without violence
- Emotional intelligence. Psychological violence
- Domestic violence. Women’s rights
- What is missing for a man to take responsibility for the family?
- Responsibility of a man in the family
- Love after marriage. Is lack of love a cause of violence?
- How do parents prepare their children for marriage?
- Expectations and misunderstandings between men and women
- Proper treatment of the bride. Violence suffered by the bride
- The importance of forgiveness in the family
- Financial problems in the family
- How to keep the family strong?
- The experience of a victim of abuse
- It is your decision to rise or fall after abuse
- Observing and analyzing the problem of men and women in today’s society
- Life after abuse. Forgiveness, letting go
- Learning how to overcome adversity. Personal experience
- Actions within the framework of Asyl zhan project

- Learning process. Komuz group. Beginning.
- Learning process.Komuz group. (video)
- Learning process. Komuz group.
- The process of creating reconstructed kyl kiyaks.
- Learning process. Kyl kiyak group. Beginning.
- The first hearing of the orchestra
- The first hearing of the orchestra (video)
- Searching for konur – the “Kyrgyz” sound (TV program)
- Final concert

Study and Preservation of Traditional Knowledge Associated with Petroglyphs of Ak-Bulun Complex (Issyk-Kul province, Kyrgyzstan)
- The first field trip
- The first workshop
- Registration of petroglyphs
- Analytical Seminar
- Secrets of petroglyphs live on TV
- A new website on petroglyphs of Kyrgyzstan
- Presentation of the results of the project at Issyk-Kul State University
- Presentation of the project results in the village of Ak-Bulun, Issyk-Kul region

Safeguarding of Practices and Rare Rituals Related to Sacred Sites in Kyrgyzstan: Preparation of an Inventory and Safeguarding Measures
- Desk research of the Aigine CRC’s existing data of sacred sites
- Steering Committee
- Training workshop for the project team
- Working groups
- On-site workshops
- Workshop with the international expert on ICH
- Video reports about on-site training workshops
- Shaman dance on the sacred site Ak-Baka (Isyk-kul province)
- Pilgrimage to the sacred site Ysyk-Ata (Chui province)
- Pilgrimage to the sacred site Sharkyratma (Naryn province)

Building the Collective Memory about Outstanding Contemporary Guardians of Traditional Wisdom, 2016-2017
- Nationwide Competition on Sacred Geography – Kasietyy Jer-Ene (Sacred Motherland)
- Nation-wide event aimed to safeguarding the Master’s Legacy
- Film Jaryktan Jaralgan Adam (A Person of Light)
- Identifying main directions of further organizational development of Aigine CRC
- Academic way of promoting biocultural diversity as an important direction of further development
- Usage of Mass Media means and publications to promote traditional practices and values