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Weekly review of Aigine CRC Activities
Preparation for the Presentation: As part of a partnership project with the Public Foundation “Arysh-Kench,” the Aigine Cultural Research Center is preparing to present the…
Weekly review of Aigine CRC Activities
Working meeting: On September 3rd, the first meeting with a group of artisans collaborating with Aigine took place at the Aigine CRC office. The meeting…
Weekly Review of Aigine CRC Activities
🎮 The Meeting of Cultural Heritage and Modern Technologies: The Aigine CRC team, in collaboration with Soltech, has launched the second phase of the project…
Weekly Review of Aigine CRC Activities
📚 Training: From August 19 to 23, the Aigine Cultural Research Center conducted a “Capacity-Building Training for ICH Experts and Staff of Authorized Bodies from…

Sacred Geography of Kyrgyzstan

The Sacred Geography of Kyrgyzstan is a representation of both natural and cultural phenomena. This is a network of sacred sites – springs, caves, mountains, mausoleums, lakes, tombs and trees – that people visit as pilgrims. An essential part of any pilgrimage practice is performance of rituals and ceremonies, which turns territories covered by sacred sites into a ritualized land.

Our mission

Aigine Cultural Research Center (CRC) (which means “lucid”, “definite”) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in May 2004 at the initiative of Gulnara Aitpaeva, Doctor of Philology, with the participation of Aida Alymbaeva and Mukaram Toktogulova, Candidate of Philology.

Aigine CRC works in the field of traditional knowledge, education and social science. The center conducts spiritual, educational and scientific activities based on external grants and self-financing. These activities are directed at preserving, developing and integrating traditional wisdom with contemporary life. Aigine CRC aims to incorporate the positive potential of traditional wisdom in decision-making at all levels of public and political life.

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