Within the framework of the project “Mobilizing academic communities in Central Asia
to produce new knowledge about the 1916 Uprising and to build shared academic
platforms for exchanging and disseminating knowledge about ethnically or/and
politically sensitive topics”.
Dates: 21-25 July 2018,
Place: Akun resort, Yssyk-Kol,
Organizer: Aigine CRC.
The aim of workshop is a presentation and analysis of research primary results of each
participant, methodological advice of consultants, discussion of future plans..
21 July
16.00-19.00 Arrival, accomodation.
19.00-21.00 Dinner
22 July
Session 1. Presentations of consultants.
9.00-10.00 “Is it possible to study Central Asian History without Eurocentrism or Sovietcentrism?”
Ali Igmen Али Игмен (Oral History Program, Department of History, California
State University).
10.00-11.00 “What inheritance do we renounce? Merits and demerits of the heritage of
Soviet historiography” Tomohiko Uyama (History and Area Studies / Slavic Studies
Department, Hokkaido University).
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.30 ” Victimhood on Display: History as Trauma” Sergei Oushakine (Program in
Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Princeton University).
12.30-14.00 Lunch
Session 2. Presentations of participants
14.00-14.30 ” The Uprising of 1916 (Semirech’e): the voices of ordinary participants”
Karlygash Bizhigitova (Universuty of International Bussines).
14.30-15.00 “Leaders of People’s Liberation Movement (Torgay): new practices and
interpretations” Maisara Bekmagambetova (Department of Kazakhstan History, Kostanai
State Pedagogical Institute).
15.00-15.30 “Reflection of National Liberation Movement of 1916 in Media” Kazhet Andas
(“Zhetysu” Newspaper).
15.30-16.00 “The social rupture of 1916 in Khujand as part of a systemic crisis in the
relationship between power and the people” Inomdjon Mamadaliev (Department of World
History Кафедра, Khujand State University).
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.00 “Economic Life in the “Indigenous” Turkestan and Events of 1916″ Bakhtier
Alimdjanov (independent researcher).
17.00-19.00 Boat Trip.
19.00-20.00 Dinner
20.00-21.00 Discussion of models and efficiency/not efficiency of partnership.
23 July
Session 3. Presentations of consultants (continuation)
9.00-10.00 “Preliminary works on cartography of 1916 Uprising” Catherine Poujol (French
Institute for Central Asiand Studies).
10.00-11.00 “Uprising, mutiny, revolt: how to write a glossary of collective action” Aminat
Chokobaeva (Department of History, the University of Sydney).
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.30 “Historiography of the First World War, violence on other fronts and the effect of
mobilizing resources and people in the colonies” Alexander Morrison (Faculty of History, the
University of Oxford).
12.30-14.00 Lunch
Session 4. Presentations of participants (continuation)
14.00-14.30 “Popular disturbances in Khojent and its surroundings” Shavkat Sharipov
(Department of National History, Khujand State University).
15.00-15.30 “International relations and participation of foreigners in events of 1916 in
Semirechye” Djamilya Musarova (Center of Dungan and Chinese Studies, National
Academy of Sciences in Kyrgyz Republic).
15.30-16.00 “Social and political mobilization of the Turkestan population in 1916-1922:
main goals, methods, institutions, and actors” Zhoomart Sulaimanov (Faculty of Philosophy
and Management Technologies, Osh State University).
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.00 “Oral histories of the uprising of 1916: life stories and memories of the uprising
of 1916 in the Issyk-Kul region” Djanyl Bokontaeva (Department of Philosophy and
Sociology, K. Tynystanov Yssyk-Kol State University).
17.00-17.30 “Recognition of power and elements of sacralization of the leaders the uprising
of 1916 in Semirechye” Ivan Fukalov (Department of Humanitarian and Fundamental
Disciplines, Bishkek Financial Economical Academy).
17.30-19.00 Individual Consultations.
19.00-20.00 Dinner
20.00-21.00 Discussion of opportunities of participation in CEES conference in 2019.
24 July
Session 5. Presentations of participants (continuation)
9.00-9.30 ” The ideological and philosophical context of the formation of interethnic policy in
the Russian Empire in the late 19 – early 20 centuries” Salamat Dzhybykeev (National
Institute of Strategic Studies).
9.30-10.00 “The Muslim factor and the “clergy” in the uprising of 1916: the role and
importance of the eyes of Russian officials” Oibek Makhmudov (Institute of History,
Academy of Sciences in Republic of Uzbekistan).
10.00-10.30 “The Revolt of 1916 in the lower Amu Darya region: its character and
peculiarities” Askar Dzhumashev (Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Humanitarian
Sciences, Karakalpak Division, Academy of Sciences in Republic of Uzbekistan).
10.30-11.00 “The Uprising of 1916 in Khujand as a social conflict between the people and
the colonial administration” Nabidjon Rakhimov (Department of archaeology and ethnology
of Tajik people, Khujand State University).
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.00 “Forced to Migrate: A Small Urkun in Memories and Documents” Gulzada
Abdalieva (Faculty of History, I. Arabaev Kyrgyz State University).
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Summing up the workshop and planning the next session.
15.00 -16.00 Agreements, correction, packings.
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
17:00-19.00 A visit of Museum of Kurmanjan Datka (Center of Nomadic Civilization)
19.00-20.00 Dinner
25 July