Dates of workshop: March 30 – April 2 2018,
Venue: Conference Hall of Rich Hotel,
Organizer: CRC Aigine.
The goal of the seminar is to inform about the project’s purpose and objectives, expected outcomes, suggested activities, time frame; to form partnering groups, to discuss and approve collectively topics of every participant.

March 29, 30
Arrival to Rich Hotel
Acquaintance. Dinner

March 30 – optional
11.00-13.00 Presentation of ethnographic film “Memories about Urkun” and collection of oral stories (AUCA)
13.00-14.30 Trip to memorial complex Ata-Beit (Departure from AUCA)
18.30-20.00 Dinner.

March 31
Tea, coffee always available. Collective breaks as needed.
9.00-9.30 Aims and objectives of the project “Mobilizing academic communities in Central Asia to produce new knowledge about the 1916 Uprising and to build shared academic platforms for exchanging and disseminating knowledge about ethnically or/and politically sensitive topics”.

9.30-10.30 Presentations of web-resources and books devoted to the 1916 Uprising in Kyrgyzstan.
1. Asel Daniyarova (Daniyarov Foundation),
2. Asel Begalieva (Faculty of Management and Tourism, Kyrgyz Economic University), Kuban Mambetaliev (International University Ata-Turk-Alatoo),
3. Pavel Dyatlenko (Department of History and Cultural Studies, Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University),
4. Tatyana Kotyukova (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences), online presentation.
10.30-11.00 Speech of the representative of Kyrgyz Republic President’s Office.

11.00-13.00 Experts: Methodological approaches to study politically/ethnically sensitive topics with followed discussion.
1. Ali Igmen (Program of Oral History, California State University, Long Beach, USA),
2. Aminat Chokobaeva (Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies, National University of Australia, Canberra, Australia),
3. Catherine Poujol (French Institute for Central Asian Studies, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan),
4. Nathan Light (Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden),
5. Tomohiko Uyama (Department of History and Area Studies / Slavic Studies, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan).

13.00 -14.30 Lunch.
14.30-19.30 Presentations and discussion of participants’ topics.

1. Djamilya Musarova (Center of Dungan and Chinese Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic),
2. Joomart Sulaimanov (Department of Philosophy and Management Technologies, Osh State University),
3. Janyl Bokontaeva (Department of Philosophy and Sociology, K. Tynystaniv Issykkul State University),
4. Ivan Fukalov (Department of Humanities and Fundamental Dicsiplines, Bishkek Financial and Economic Academy),
5. Salamat Dzhybykeev (National Institute for Strategic Studies),
6. Gulzada Abdalieva (Faculty of History, Kyrgyz State University).

1. Karlygash Bizhigitova (University of International Business, Almaty),
2. Maisara Bekmagambetova (Department of History of Kazakhstan, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute),
3. Kazhet Andas (“Jetysuu” Newspaper).
19.30-21:00 – Dinner.
April 1,
Tea, coffee always available. Collective breaks as needed.
9.00-13.30 Presentations and discussion of participants’ topics.

1. Askar Djumashev (Karakalpak Research Institute for Humanities, Karakalpak Division, Uzbekistan Republic Academy of Sciences),
2. Bakhtier Alimdjanov (Institute of History, Uzbekistan Republic Academy of Sciences),
3. Oibek Makhmudov (Institute of History, Uzbekistan Republic Academy of Sciences),
4. Sanzhar Saidov (Uzbek State University of World Languages), online presentation.

1. Inomdjon Mamadaliev (Department of World History, Khujand State University),
2. Nabijon Rakhimov (Department of Archeology and Ethnography of Tajik People, Khujand State University),
3. Shavkat Sharipov (Department of Native History, Khujand State University), online presentation.

1. Tirkishmurat Rejepov (Anthropology Program, American University of Central Asia).
13.30-15.00 Lunch.
15.00-16.30 Working in small groups to form a concept of project film and other products. Forming a common vision.
16.30-19.30 Approving topics of participants, identifying partner groups, determining the schedule of two following meetings, signing of agreements, coordination of work of partner groups .
19.30-21.00 Dinner.
Output should be in the form of the project team, informed about all details of the project, approved work schedule and accepted partnership models. The agreements of cooperation should be signed by Aigine CRC and every participant and partner.

April 2