On June 1 of this year, as part of the project to study Kurultai’s potential in solving socio-political issues in Kyrgyzstan, the second round table discussion was held. Professional lawyers as well as representatives of the civil society compared the Kurultai models of Choyun Omuraliev and Kadyr Koshaliev.
At the beginning of the discussion, the word was given to the main presenters Kadyr Koshaliev and Edil Sarybaeva (speaking on behalf of Ch. Omuraliev), who outlined their vision (model) of Kurultai, its basic functions, the provisions, mechanisms and structure.
Kadyr Koshaliev noted that he is not the author of the model, but the model rather includes and is based on the ideas of the people. According to this model, Kurultai should be the supreme body of power in Kyrgyzstan, and would identify the main development directions of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as resolve issues of national importance. Further, Kurultai would be a body to which other governmental authorities would report their work.
The Kurultai model of Choyun Omuraliev highlights the fact that currently the government and the people are divided- thus Kurultai should be an institution that unites them again. If the people and authorities would be united, the controversies and antagonisms between them would vanish.
Experts and representatives of the civil society asked various questions, such as:
What are the fundamental differences between the proposed Kurultai models for the parliament?
How will Kurultai ensure compliance with the rights of ethnic minorities?
Why isn’t Kurultai made into a civil society institution, instead of a political institution? Etc.
In conclusion, the supporters of various Kurultai models agreed to hold a series of meetings with more detailed discussions on the differences and similarities of the model to develop a general Kurultai model. This would include all the advantages of existing models and exclude the disadvantages.
Participants of the round table:
– Kadyr Koshaliev
– Edil Sarybaev
– Keneshbek Aytikeev
– Gulnara Alybaeva
– Beyshek Alymkulov
– Duyshonbek Apysov
– Tynchtyk Asanbaev
– Kubanychbek Basakeev
– Asamat Boronchiev
– Bekbosun Börübashev
– Marina Glushkova
– Zharkyn Zhumasheva
– Almas Isanov
– Zhyrgalbek Kasabolotov
– Ayzharkyn Kozhobekova
– Asel Orosbaeva
– Sadyr uulu Zhumagasy
– Chynara Seydakmatova
– Shayyr Supataeva
– Urpija Usenkanova
Aigine CRC:
– Gulnara Aitpaeva
– Perisat Kurbannova
– Aibek Samakov
– Ainura Turgangasieva