In December 2013, Aigine Cultural Research Center within the framework of its project on Placing the Manas epic into the Contemporary World published video version of the Seitek epic, the third part of the trilogy. Thus, Aigine CRC completed compilation of the full video version of the entire epic trilogy.
The goal of the project is to compile full video recording and form complete traditional version of the Manas epic narrated by contemporary manaschys ( epic reciters).
The video version consists of 35 key episodes that make up the core of the Seitek epic – Seitek is Semetei’s son and gradnson of Manas. The list of episodes was composed and approved by manaschys themselves. Narration starts from Aichurok’s (Seitek’s mother) being taken hostage and ends in Seitek’s death.
It is a 16 hour-long epic chanting recorded on two-layered DVD discs. The discs are accompanied by a broschure consisting of each manaschy’s story related to reciting the Semetei epic. 12 currently active and recognized manaschysparticipated in the video recording and each manaschy recited several episodes of their choosing.
This video compilation was formed at the initiative of the Aigine CRC with financial support of The Christensen Fund. The process of video compilation lasted for three years and was completed in the winter of 2013.
In April 2014, Aigine CRC team together with manaschys and throat signers from Mountain Shoria and Republic of Altai toured throughout the country with series of disc presentations. During the presentations, Aigine CRC team distributed video verison of the epic trilogy among high schools and universitities of the country.