Results of the Uluu Toolor Project (Great Mountains): On May 21, in the village of Ton, the results of the Uluu Toolor Project (Great Mountains) were announced. During the event, the results of a month-long study of three schools located near Mount Tastar-Ata were announced. These schools are in the villages of Kajy-Saz, Tuura-Suu, and Ton. Students conducted research in their villages in five directions: Legends, Medicinal Herbs, Drawings (petroglyphs), Successful Women, and Oral Histories of the Events of 1916. The project participants creatively presented the results of their research – a play, video reports, photo exhibitions, etc. As a result, the 3rd place was awarded to the school in the village of Kajy-Saz, the 2nd place to the school in the village of Ton, and the 1st place to the school in the village of Tuura-Suu. The jury included Gulnara Aitpaeva, Jumagazy Sadyr uulu, and Temirbek Toktogaziev. The Aigine CRC team expresses its gratitude to Bakytu Choytonbaev, a local resident who helped initiate the project.

Information on Working Trips: On May 23, Aigine CRC expert Temirbek Toktogaziev participated in the morning show “Zamana”. During the conversation, Temirbek Toktogaziev shared information about the work trip of the Aigine CRC team to the city of Zhezkazgan, located in Kazakhstan, which took place from May 10 to 15. Temirbek Toktogaziev also talked about the purpose and objectives of the trip. On May 24, Aigine CRC expert Jumagazy Sadyr uulu participated in an interview with Kyrgyz Radio, where he also talked about the field trips of the Aigine CRC team to Kazakhstan. The conversation touched upon the similarities and differences of petroglyphs in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, as well as the perception of sacred sites by people. The trips were part of the research efforts of Aigine CRC in Central Asia.

Learning Process: The working group of the project “Introduction of Koñur Un into the Sound of the Kyrgyz Orchestra”, musicians Cholpon Turumbayeva, Rysbek Zhunusov, Zalina Kasymova continue the process of training young musicians to play reconstructed komuzes and kyl kiyaks. Also, member of the working group Cholpon Turumbayeva is preparing to present the results of her research on the sound of Koñur at the IV International Scientific and Practical Forum “Culture of the Eurasian Region”, which will take place from May 30 to June 2, 2024, at the Altai State Institute of Culture under the auspices of the Commonwealth of Asian Institutions of Education in the field of culture. An article by Cholpon Turumbayeva “Velvet Sound in Kyrgyz Instrumental Music” has been translated into Russian for participation in the Forum. The final goal of the training for the group of musicians to play reconstructed komuzes and kyl kiyaks is their integration with the reconstructed instruments into the orchestra of the University of Culture and Arts named after B. Beishenalieva and the organization of a final concert.

Preservation of Murdash Petroglyphs: The Aigine CRC team continues to work on creating a digital map of the historical and cultural complex Murdash Bashi in Osh region. As part of this project, the archaeological note and traditional interpretation of the drawings on the stones have been added to the digital map. Also, information about this complex has been added to the website, through which you can familiarize yourself with the digital map of the complex. The digital map will be updated and supplemented with archaeological data after the field trip, which is planned to take place in June 2024.

Online Meetings: On May 20, the Aigine CRC team participated in an online meeting with representatives of the International Center for Martial Arts Development and Youth Involvement under the auspices of UNESCO (ICM), based in South Korea. During the meeting, conditions and timelines for the Aigine CRC team to conduct research on Kyrgyz martial arts such as Kөk Börü, Alysh, Kөrүsh, and Er Enish were discussed for publication on Central Asian martial arts, which will be published by the International Center for Martial Arts.

Translation of the Book: The translation of Apela Colorado’s book “Women Between Worlds” into Kyrgyz has been completed within the framework of the partnership project of Aigine CRC and “Arysh-Kench”. Currently, the book is in the editing stage, where work is being done on its quality and literary accuracy. After editing is completed, it is planned to collect reviews to receive feedback from readers and professional experts. After that, the book will be ready for printing.