The second summer session “Anthropology’s Cutting Edges”
within three-year project “Building Anthropology in Eurasia”
under the Regional Seminar in Excellence of Teaching
Higher Education Support Program, Open Society Institute
Place: Royal Beach Hotel, Chocktal, the Issyk-Kol, Kyrgyzstan
Dates: July 21 – August 3, 2008
Language: English
The purpose of the project “Building Anthropology in Eurasia” is to provide an opportunity for participants to integrate anthropological understandings and methodologies into their own research and teaching, as well as to develop teaching strategies and methods, which are in use in anthropological teaching institutions internationally, as applicable for their own contexts. We expect this experience will provide participants with concrete experience on which they can build their own pedagogy, as well as help them to orient themselves in international anthropology and anthropologically-influenced scholarship.
“Anthropology’s Cutting Edges” – Building on the first year, which was oriented toward foundation-building, we move now to a focus on the new and exciting themes that are current in anthropology, while also focusing more on the question of how these themes connect with the study of anthropology in Eurasia itself.
Some of the key differences between this summer’s and last summer’s session include the following:
- There will be fewer activities involving the entire group, and more activities which bring together people working on specific common issues.
- There will less in the way of formal presentations, and more seminar-style discussion.
- There will be greater focus on what anthropology has been and can be done in various parts of Eurasia.
- A substantial part of the schedule will be devoted to sessions where the participants are themselves playing a leading role (presenting their own work or leading discussion of selected topics).