The “Traditional Knowledge in Kyrgyzstan” website is the first internet resource which contains information on traditional knowledge, including traditional spiritual practices, traditional knowledge of sustainable natural resource exploitation, traditional administration and law, folk systems of discipline and many more subjects. The website is oriented not only for data storage, but also to offer a forum for actively sustaining the use of traditional knowledge: exchange, transmission, discussion and study.


About the “Traditional knowledge in Kyrgyzstan” website. Aigine Cultural Research Center presents data which has been collected by the researches of the center since 2005. Here you can learn about the goals of the project on collecting traditional knowledge, become familiarized with conditional definition of traditional knowledge and its classification that were elaborated by Aigine on the basis of collected data analysis which lies on the structure of current website.

Traditional spiritual practices: here you can find voices of people relating about their sacred knowledge, spirituality, related rituals and customs.


Traditional ecological knowledge: this section contains information about connections between people and nature.


Traditional knowledge about the formation and control of society, family and economy: this chapter includes data about knowledge which regulates social processes.


Photo-gallery: here you find the photo-archive of Aigine CRC which contains pictures that were taken in different parts ofKyrgyzstan where we have been: sacred sites, rituals, activities, and people.
Video-catalog is simple and effective introduction on traditions of people in Kyrgyzstan. Consists of Aigine materials.
Glossary, that was comprised by Aigine team on the basis of filed data and accessible literature, gives interpretation for the concepts that are important for Kyrgyz spiritual culture.

Who would be interested in the website?

– Governmental and non-governmental organizations which work with traditional knowledge, in education system that is based on place, in creating protected natural and historical sites, etc.

– Bearers of traditional knowledge: guardians and pilgrims of sacred sites, traditional healers, craftsmen, inhabitants of cities and villages, etc for the possibility to exchange with knowledge and experience.
– Students and researchers who study traditional knowledge.
– Everyone who is interested in traditional knowledge, which worries about traditions and their development. 
– Everyone who thinks about the integration of conventional science with traditional knowledge, about the revival of a careful and attentive relationship with nature, planet and cultural heritage.
– People in Kyrgyzstan and other countries who want to know about traditional knowledge and its bearers.