On December 18, 2021, the 16th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage completed its work at the UNESCO headquarters (Paris, France). During the meeting of the Committee, elections were held to the Evaluation Body of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. As a result of the vote, among the three countries of the Asia-Pacific Group – China, Indonesia and Kyrgyzstan – candidates for this elected body, Kyrgyzstan, which was represented by Aigine Cultural Research Center, an…
Month: December 2021
Symposium of the ICH NGO Forum under the 2003 UNESCO Convention
On December 12, 2021, the Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations accredited under the 2003 UNESCO Convention on the Preservation of ICH began its work. The Forum started with a Symposium, which consisted of two parts – a discussion session based on the results of mapping the expert potential of accredited NGOs, and presentations on the topic “New directions of ICN in the future: intellectual property, licensing and new media”. Janet Blake, member of the Steering Committee, presented an analysis of the results of mapping the expertise of NGOs in the Asia-Pacific…
Closing ceremony of 16 days of activism against gender-based violence
Today, December 10, the State Historical Museum hosted the closing ceremony of 16 days of active actions against gender-based violence. The closing concept was developed by the Aigine CRC team together with partners and UN Women in the Kyrgyz Republic. So, the main topic of the closing was the message – “every girl has the right to realize her creative potential, including the conditionally” male “professions.” The concept is based on the belief that cultural codes and values must be used to effectively counter domestic and gender-based violence. In this…
‘Social Media and Religious Engagement of Muslim Youth in Kyrgyzstan’
Dr. Baktygul Tulebaeva, one of the former key employees of Aigine CRC, now a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, is starting a pilot project in Kyrgyzstan “Social Networks and Religious Engagement of Muslim Youth in Kyrgyzstan”. Aigine CRC cooperates as a local partner, participating in work with informants, organizing focus groups, conducting a survey, etc.